Discover Events.

Swipe events, activities, restaurants and many more…

Swipe right if you like the event or left if you don’t. We find the coolest events just for you and show you the ones you’re most likely to love.

Featured Events

Make friends.

Get matched with other like-minded people.

Match with people that like and love the same things as you do. WhatTuDu is not a dating app, it is a social app to make friends and go places together. You will get matched with other in a group of 4 to 6 people. It is perfect for new comers to the city. You can also get matched as a couple with other couples to double the fun. Couples are matched in groups of 2 to 3 couples

Unique Features

  • Thousands of Events

    You can literally find anything and everything that is happening around you.

  • Get Matched

    Meet with other like-minded people

  • Filters

    Use filters to find whatever you are in the mood for. You can also use the filter for specific time duration as well.

  • Simple User Interface

    You can go through the cards simply by swiping left or right.

  • Buy tickets

    You can buy tickets to the event that you are attempting. Read more about the card that you liked and even call a car to pick you up.

  • Smart Nessie

    Nessie is the brain of WhatTuDu. She learns about you with each swipe and adjusts the deck of cards accordingly.

  • Thousands of Events

    You can literally find anything and everything that is happening around you.

  • Get Matched

    Meet with other like-minded people

  • Filters

    Use filters to find whatever you are in the mood for. You can also use the filter for specific time duration as well.

  • Simple User Interface

    You can go through the cards simply by swiping left or right.

  • Buy tickets

    You can buy tickets to the event that you are attempting. Read more about the card that you liked and even call a car to pick you up.

  • Smart Nessie

    Nessie is the brain of WhatTuDu. She learns about you with each swipe and adjusts the deck of cards accordingly.

Available only on the App Store

On iPhones and iPads

Ease of Use


left or right to discover interesting things happening around you.


tickets to the events and make reservations to the restaurants.


with your friends and let them know that you are interested.


a ride to your destination or get the directions.

How It Works

Simple Sign Up

Simply sign up with your facebook and select the categories that you are interested..

Start swiping

Swipe on thousands of different cards. Nessie will adjust the cards to your liking. She gets to know you with each swipe.

Get matched & purchase tickets

You will be getting matched with other like-minded people. You can purchase tickets and have more information about the event on the info page.

Get WhatTuDu Today!

Discover Events. Make Friends.